Healthy cat with normal kidney function
Cats eat protein from which uraemic toxins are naturally produced.
These are then filtered by the kidneys and excreted in the urine.
Older cat with impaired kidney function
With increasing age or disease, kidney function might be impaired.
As a result, the excretion of uraemic toxins may be reduced, leading to potential accumulation in the body.
Porus One
Porus One is designed to help bind the precursors of uraemic toxins in the intestine, before they reach the kidneys, to then be passed via the faeces.
Renaltec is composed of tiny, black homogenous spheres with diameters of 0.1 to 0.3 mm. Each sphere has a smooth surface and is perforated by numerous pores. The spherical shape and the inner branched channel system create a large adsorption capacity.
Precursors of uraemic toxins may be trapped inside the spheres because of an opposite electrical charge.
The pores are manufactured to be so tiny that only very small molecules, such as precursors of uraemic toxins, can enter the sphere´s interior. Particles with a larger diameter, such as vitamins, enzymes, or cells, are less able to enter.